Friday, March 19, 2010

Being confused..

You know when you are SO confused with God, you have no clue what so ever what he is doing. And in this complete chaos you can still find peace in him.

As of now, I have no idea what God is doing with my life.. And at first I had no faith in Him. Took the matters into my own hands. Didn't give God anything at all. Yes I prayed about it, yes I would say 'Oh yes God's got this' but not always did I believe it till now.

God has plans for each and everyone of us. No we may not see it. I know I don't. But he does. He may take your friends, he may take your church, he can take so many things. But God has something stored for all of us. God is a God that gives and takes away. I often take the blessing and forget about the responsibilities.

God's plans are bigger than mine, he knows ALL. How amazing is that? All we need to do is hold on to him.

Okay, so I saw the new 'Alice in Wonderland' yesterday. Amazing movie!
I don't know if this spoils the movie or not.. But I am going to say a line. That one Caterpillar thing tells Alice, when she is crying and all that jazz. 'The sword knows what it wants. All you have to do is hold on to it.' Funny thing, I use this movie to try and describe what I am saying.
But, God knows what he wants.. He doesn't need help! All we have to do is hold on to him. Trust in him, know He is our God. Who is fully capable of taking matters into his own hands.

Coral Christine

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

My new best friend

Okay, I have a new best friend. Even though she doesn't really know we are best friends, its like my mom and Beth More. ;) But I love this chick, her name is Lexi. Her family is JUST like ours. They just adopted from Ethiopia, go figure! She wants to change the world, and she is already starting! Check it out:
She is like my new role model!! I just love her hha. She's only 15. She is truely amazing!

Well sorry Lexi for no before notice of our friendship. ;)


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

So awesome!!

I love my new sister!! Just having her here is soooo awesome!! Lastnight, I went to my Pathways class like I do every Monday, It was all about linguistics. Truely amazing! Afterwards I had my best friend LIBBY, come over. We had a random thought that we would try it out. We ended up staying up till 2:30 and learning over 200 words and phrases from Meski, mind you she doesn't really speak english and we know no Amharic. It was soooo much fun to see my sister excited about us learning her launguage! It was too cool! After our 3 hours of Amharic we decided to pray, this was a non-stop prayer. It lasted till 3:00 no its not those prayers that last 5 days, but it was cool to see a group of teens so in love with the Lord.

Well, I must go for we are re-writing all our Amharic.
